Articles, Stuff, and Nonsense




Ten Tips for Tree Protection Planning

Tips to Ensure a Successful Development Application

GLN's Ten Tips for Tree Protection Planning will give you the upper hand when it comes to your next development application review.  Check out our tips for your checklist of Arborist Report and Tree Protection Plan essentials for your next construction project. 

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The Cooling Effect of Trees

Does that tree really offer "as much cooling as a window air conditioner?"

In this article we examine the air cooling ability of a tree. We will look at how a tree cools the surrounding air, and how that compares to an air conditioner. We will also briefly compare the air cooling power of the tree with the power generating capacity of a solar panel. This is not to suggest that trees should, or even can, replace air conditioners or solar panels. Everything has its place. It is however, worth giving a second thought before removing a healthy tree in order to make way for construction.

This article was originally published in the Ontario Arborist. The text has been updated with information not available at the time of original publication.

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Categories: Archival, Trees, Biophysics
